The most accurate way to measure and manage your climate impact, all in under thirty minutes.

Looking for productivity insights, asked to share your emissions profile with your supply chain, or want to find practical ways to meet your climate goals? Ruminati makes reporting fast and most importantly, efficient.
Whether you’re producing beef, lamb, wool, dairy, or crops, Ruminati PRIME is designed to fit your operation. With accurate emissions reporting and forecasts based on practice changes, we help you reduce the time, effort, and cost involved in making your farming practices more sustainable.
Try our toolMeasure, report and manage your impact
Calculate and understand your emissions and sequestration, including the source, and total percentage breakdown of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Made for producers across the board
Whether you’re a farmer, grazier, feedlotter, or processor, we understand the unique needs of your business and have created a solution that fits seamlessly into your operation.

Forecast emissions reductions
Create reduction plans tailored to your enterprise. Model the impact of different emissions reductions strategies so you can simulate and assess various scenarios to influence your climate impact.

Multiple enterprises in one place
For multi-property producers, easily view and manage all your operations from one dashboard. See how your climate impact looks across all your sites, making it easier to track your progress and make informed decisions.

Trusted by

Learn how these producers have made Ruminati work for them
Linda Nakervis
Producer at The Ranch, VIC
Bonnie Penfold
Producer and Feedlotter at Four Daughters, QLD
Mick Dorahy
CEO at EC Throsby, NSW
Founded, built, and led by producers

Frequently asked questions
Preparing an emissions baseline report provides you with a clear picture of current emissions sources, types and levels for your farm. The report also gives you an understanding of ways those emissions may be managed or reduced over time.
Getting ahead in understanding your emissions profile for your farm puts you in a strong position to meet future market demands or requirements, and it also opens the door to new opportunities. On top of that, there’s emerging research suggesting that lowering your emissions intensity can result in higher productivity—so your emissions report can double as a business tool to help identify areas to boost efficiency in the future.
Absolutely. Ruminati PRIME allows you to calculate emissions for multiple farms under one business. For simplicity, we recommend entering all data under one ABN, but we’re working on a feature to manage multiple PIC codes in one report—making it even easier to keep track of emissions across various farms.
We align with the Greenhouse Accounting Framework (GAF) standard to provide accurate, reliable emissions data. Ruminati streamlines this complex methodology to ensure accurate emissions tracking while keeping things simple for you.
If something looks off with your data, Ruminati PRIME will flag it within the app, and if you have any doubts about your emissions totals, just reach out to us at
At Ruminati, you’re always in control of your data. We don’t share your info without your explicit consent.
If you want to share your data with another organisation or service provider, you’ll need to initiate or directly approve a data share request, and even then, we only share the specific data points or insights you’ve agreed to. At any time, you can see and manage within your Ruminati account exactly which organisations you’ve consented to share your info with, and what they’re able to see.
If you choose to close your account, we’ll hold onto your data for 30 days, during which you can download your emissions report as a PDF.
Want to know more? View our data sharing guide HERE.
We take information security and privacy very seriously. Ruminati is built so users always remain in direct control of their data and are certified under the National Farmer's Federation Farm Data Code. Our platform follows strict data privacy and cybersecurity protocols, ensuring all information is handled with care and stays within Australia. Our platform is also regularly monitored and tested to make sure that your information is secure and protected. To learn more about our privacy policy, visit